Fishery Managers Extend Chinook Season For 2 Additional Days


Fishery managers from Oregon and Washington added two additional days, Saturday April 20 and Sunday April 21, to the lower Columbia spring Chinook fishery.

The previous open days, which occurred last weekend, resulted in low catch rates due to poor water conditions. The open area remains unchanged from earlier this season, which is the Columbia River mainstem from the Warrior Rock deadline upstream to Beacon Rock, for both boat and bank angling, plus bank angling only from Beacon Rock upstream to the Bonneville Dam deadline.

The adult daily bag limit is two hatchery salmonids (Chinook or steelhead) per day but only one may be a Chinook.

The additional spring Chinook fishing time was approved after a second in-season review confirmed this fishery had only used about 40 percent of its buffered upriver spring Chinook harvest guideline through April 14.