Forum to Focus on Coal Trains


The League of Women Voters of West Umatilla County will hold a forum on coal trains at 7 p.m., on Thursday, May 9 at the Eastern Oregon Higher Education Center, Room 232.

Bob Vance will be the guest speaker. Vance is a veteran employee of the URS Corporation and its heritage companies: Washington Group and the Morrison-Knudsen Company of Boise, Idaho.

He is a licensed professional engineer and has degrees in chemical engineering from the University of Idaho. Although presently involved in closure of the Umatilla Chemical Depot, much of his career was spent in the design and construction of mines and coal-handling facilities throughout the Western United States.

In addition, he is a train aficionado and enjoys biking to the Columbia River Railroad Bridge from his home in west Pasco, where he resides with his wife, Carol.

The League of Women Voters (LWV) works to encourage active and informed participation in government and to increase understanding of major policy issues.

“We believe deeply that the public should hear different views on the issues facing our communities and our nation,” said Anne Emmons, president of the LWV of West Umatilla County. “Our voter services activities are designed to provide citizens with unbiased, factual information that they can use as a basis for reaching their own decisions. Public respect for LWV’s commitment to factual, unbiased information is a source of pride for LWV members.”