Friday Night Shooting in Hermiston Leaves 1 Person Injured


A shooting Friday evening, Oct. 27, in Hermiston has left one person injured.

The Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office in a statement reported it is investigating the shooting in cooperation with the Umatilla County Major Crimes Team and the district attorney’s office.

The initial report came into the sheriff’s office regional dispatch center at approximately 6:15 p.m. about a shooting in the area of W. Hensel and N.W. Geer roads, Hermiston.

“Callers reported hearing multiple gunshots believed to be coming from a vehicle and an adult male had been shot,” according to the sheriff’s office. “Deputies arrived and confirmed one male was injured from apparent gunshot wounds.”

At that time the major crimes team was activated. The investigation is active and the sheriff’s office is asking the public to stay clear of the general area.

The sheriff’s office also reported it has no information to indicate there are any threats to the public at this time and is anyone with information about the shooting to call the 24-hour dispatch center at 541-966-3651 and reference Case No. 23-1548.


  1. In our apartment complex, alone, there had been a man using fentinyl at the smoking area, leaving his foil that had the drugs in it. Police were called. A large rock thrown through an apartment window by a woman with many warrents. Police were called and she was detained. Two homeless men were found sleeping in the hallway on the bottom floor of our building. When asked to leave, thru became combative and a physical interaction ensued with a tenant on that floor. They vacated the premises, no police were called. Last night, the landlord was called about a man trespassing in the halls of this property at approximately 1am. Landlord arrived on scene and was assaulted with a skateboard to the head, several times. The assailant them attempted to stab the landlord work a large knife. Police were called and the assailant was detained. This is within a course of two weeks. This morning, a man, with a back pack, entered an apartment at Golden Manor, next to our complex, police were called and were looking for the individual in our complex. This is all at Blue Mountain Apartments, 975 W. Ridgeway Ave. Crime is out of control in our area, and in Hermiston, at large.

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