Girl Scouts Holding Open House on Friday


The Girl Scouts of Oregon and Southwest Washington in Service Unit 22 are holding an open house on Friday for current members, and girls and adults who are interested in joining Girl Scouts.

Girls in kindergarten through grade 12 will discover how much fun they can have while building their leadership skills and meeting Girl Scouts their age. The evening will be run like a giant troop meeting, and will include games, other fun activities and a snack. Girls up to age 15 must be accompanied by an adult.

Adults are also encouraged to attend. Girl Scouts needs positive role models to help guide our girls in their journey through Girl Scouts. They will find out the various ways they can be involved and how they can make a difference in our girls’ future. Current Girl Scout volunteers will be available to answer any questions.

Admission is free. The event will be held Friday, Sept. 20, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at New Hope Community Church in Hermiston.

For more information or if you cannot attend the event but would like to join, contact Michelle Kane, service team volunteer, at (541) 564-5985.