Girl Scouts Make Blankets for Sheltered Animals

Girl Scout Donation
Girls Scouts from Umatilla recently donated blankets they made to Pet Rescue Humane Society of Eastern Oregon.

Girl Scouts of Oregon and Southwest Washington Troop 50117 has a soft spot for furry friends in need of good homes. So, they made gifts for them to show them they are loved.

The girls set aside some of the proceeds from their fall product sale that includes nuts, candy and magazine sales — to purchase material that they hand tied to make blankets for Pet Rescue Humane Society of Eastern Oregon this month.

The Umatilla-based troop has 26 members ranging in age from kindergarten through fifth grade. Each girl made at least one blanket.

Girl Scouts throughout Oregon are currently preparing to sell Girl Scout Cookies to raise funds for troop, council and individual projects like this one. This year marks the 100th anniversary of Girl Scouts selling cookies, which teaches girls leadership and entrepreneurial skills.

For more information about joining Girl Scouts or becoming a Girl Scout volunteer, call Girl Scouts of Oregon and Southwest Washington at (541) 389-8146 or visit the Girl Scouts website.

To find a place where you can purchase a box of Girl Scout cookies, go to the council’s website and click on “Cookies” along the top bar, then “Find Cookies” from the list of options down the left side of the screen.