Good Shepherd Health Care System has been awarded a 2018 Top Workplaces honor by The Oregonian.
The list is based solely on employee feedback gathered through a third-party survey administered by research partner Energage, LLC (formerly WorkplaceDynamics), a leading provider of technology-based employee engagement tools. The anonymous survey measures several aspects of workplace culture, including alignment, execution, and connection, just to name a few.
“Top Workplaces is more than just recognition,” said Doug Claffey, CEO of Energage. “Our research shows organizations that earn the award attract better talent, experience lower turnover, and are better equipped to deliver bottom-line results. Their leaders prioritize and carefully craft a healthy workplace culture that supports employee engagement.”
This is the second year in a row Good Shepherd has received the honor.
“I believe it is a testament to our employees level of satisfaction and engagement with the organization and our community,” said Good Shepherd President and CEO Dennis E. Burke. “Healthcare is a challenging vocation – employees deal with people over a wide spectrum of emotions; from their most joyous of circumstances – birth of a newborn – to the most challenging – death of a loved one. Each day our employees display heroism, empathy, compassion, and courage in caring for our community. Our employees are the true recipients of this prestigious award.”
“Becoming a Top Workplace isn’t something organizations can buy,” Claffey said. “It’s an achievement organizations have worked for and a distinction that gives them a competitive advantage. It’s a big deal.”