Good Shepherd Giving Free COVID-19 Vaccines at Weekly Clinics


Good Shepherd Health Care System (GSHCS) is holding weekly vaccine events on its campus at 610 NW 11th St., in Hermiston.

Vaccines will be given this week from 1 to 3 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 23.

The vaccine clinic schedule may be found on Good Shepherd’s website.

Vaccine clinics will be held weekly (until further notice) on Good Shepherd’s campus in Conference Centers 1 & 2 which is accessible by parking and entering closest to Entrance “C”.  No appointment is needed.  Individuals do not need to bring anything with them and should prepare for 15 minutes of required monitoring after vaccine administration. Community members may call and leave a message on Good Shepherd’s COVID-19 Vaccination Hotline at 541-667-3426 should they have any questions about the vaccination clinics.