Good Shepherd to Welcome New Doctors

Hospital Open House

Good Shepherd Health Care System (GSHCS) will host a Fall Harvest Open House Meet-and-Greet event for the system’s newest physicians on Thursday, Nov. 17.

“It has been a boon year for physicians joining Good Shepherd Medical Group and our Emergency Services team,” shared GSHCS President and CEO Dennis Burke. “Each one of these physicians is phenomenal. They come to us highly-skilled, from top medical schools and residency programs. And, most importantly, they place a priority on providing exceptional patient care. We are excited for the future of our medical community and the care that can be accessed at GSHCS. We want to extend an invitation to our community to come and meet these exceptional individuals for themselves.”

Most of these new physicians have ties to the Pacific Northwest or West Coast in general, which was a major draw for many of them, to be in an area with a thriving economy, a growing community, and where they could each make a significant impact on the patients they will be serving. These new recruits include:

• Daniel Buck, M.D., Emergency Room
• Jennifer Poste, M.D., Internal Medicine and Endocrinology
• Allison Khavkin, M.D., Obstetrics and Gynecology
• Daniel Canal, M.D., Pediatrics

The event will take place from 5:30 to 7:30 P.M., in the main lobby of the Good Shepherd Medical Plaza located at 620 NW 11th Street in Hermiston. Hors d’oeuvres and refreshments will be served. Go online to RSVP.