Governor’s Luncheon Canceled for 2021 Pendleton Round-Up


The Eastern Oregon Women’s Coalition has canceled the Governor’s Luncheon at the 2021 Pendleton Round-Up. The annual event was originally planned for Friday, Sept. 17.

“It was not an easy decision to make, but out of an abundance of caution and with current statewide restrictions in effect, our board voted to not hold the event this year,” said Bobby Levy, president of the Eastern Oregon Women’s Coalition (EOWC). “The Governor’s Luncheon has been an opportunity to showcase Eastern Oregon’s interests to leaders from Salem, and we look forward to resuming the tradition in 2022.”

The Governor’s Luncheon has created a venue of dialogue during Round-Up week among members of Oregon’s executive and legislative branches and local leaders in government, business, and education. The event is hosted by EOWC, Blue Mountain Community College, and the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation and takes place on the BMCC campus following the Westward Ho! Parade on Friday of Round-Up Week.