Grant Provides Laptops to BMCC’s Low-Income TRIO Students


The Oregon TRIO Association was recently awarded $5,000 of grant funding by The Wildhorse Foundation to support the TRIO Student Support Services (SSS) program at Blue Mountain Community College.

The Oregon TRIO Association’s mission is to grow and support Oregon TRIO programs, staff, and students. This funding will provide 20 laptops to low-income TRIO students who identify as American Indian and Alaskan Native.

“The Oregon TRIO Association is pleased to receive this grant award and put it towards new technology to create meaningful impact for TRIO SSS students at Blue Mountain Community College,” said Matt Bisek, executive director of the Oregon TRIO Association.

The TRIO Student Support Services program at Blue Mountain Community College is a
federally funded project providing services to help underrepresented students succeed.
Research shows that students involved with a TRIO program have higher GPAs, earn
more credits, and are twice as likely to stay in college than students who do not receive
that support.

At the Oregon TRIO Association, we see firsthand the urgent need to see an Oregon
with educational equity, access, and opportunity for traditionally marginalized student
populations. Providing new technology will significantly impact ensuring that all Oregon
TRIO students have the resources and tools needed to fulfill their educational goals.