Head Start Offering Free Parenting Class


Umatilla-Morrow Head Start is offering a free 10-session parenting class beginning June 11.

Incredible Years for Incredible Parenting teaches parents about setting limits, taking time out from stress and anger, natural and logical consequences, and tangible rewards and praise. The Incredible Years curriculum seeks to give parents confidence in teaching good social skills, more peace and quiet at home, and the opportunity to share ideas with other parents.

The class will be offered at the Head Start office in Hermiston, 110 N.E. Fourth St. Sessions begin Thursday, June 11, and continue for 10 weeks on Thursdays, ending Aug. 13. Each session is from noon until 2 p.m., and is being held in conjunction with the Summer Meal Program. The class is free, and child care is provided. To register, call Joan at 541-564-0885.