Hermiston Chamber of Commerce Moving to Temporary Quarters


The Greater Hermiston Chamber of Commerce and the Hermiston Visitor and Welcome Center will be moving on Dec. 20 to a new temporary office location in Hermiston located at the Cornerstone Plaza.

The Chamber Board of Directors voted unanimously to move the office to the new location at 1055 S Hwy 395, Suite 111 in Hermiston.

The city of Hermiston Parks and Recreation Department will be moving into the former Chamber offices at the Community Center.

“We will begin the moving process on Dec. 20th and be closed for the week of Christmas and New Year Holiday,” said Chamber President Debbie Pedro. “Our office will reopen on Jan. 2, 2018 in the new location.”

Pedro said chamber leaders, staff and volunteers are currently exploring all permanent location options.”

“The Chamber Board of Directors, staff and volunteers would like to thank everyone in our community who has been so supportive of the chamber and its longtime success in managing the Hermiston Community Center,” Pedro said. “We have enjoyed working with various groups and organizations for over 22 years while there. We are really looking forward to 2018 and the important work the chamber does to support, promote and strengthen our nearly 450 chamber members as well as its work in economic development, advocacy, leadership, community events, and the Hermiston visitor and welcome center.”

For more information, contact Chamber at 541-567-6151.