Hermiston City Hall Hosts Library Programs During Renovation


While the Hermiston Public Library undergoes renovations, programs will be across the street at Hermiston City Hall, 180 NE Second St.

The children’s story time is each Friday at 10:30 a.m. Also, the upcoming Bookminders meets Tuesday, Sept. 10, 1:30 p.m.

The September book club selection is “Blank” by Zibby Owens. The novel focuses on a wife, mother and frustrated writer who faces an impossible deadline. After months of staring at a blank page, she has five days to pound out a publication or she will have to pay back an advance she already spent.

Owens has been called New York City’s “most powerful book-fluencer.” In addition to writing, she started a publishing company, owns a bookstore in Santa Monica, California, conducts writing retreats and hosts an award-winning podcast, “Moms Don’t Have Time to Read Books.”

The book club is free and open to adults 18 and older. It meets on the second Tuesday of each month. Limited copies of “Blank” are available for checkout at the library, which is temporarily housed in the old Carnegie Building at 215 E. Gladys Ave. — access is at the rear of the building. For more information, call 541-567-2882.


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