Complete List of Hermiston Education Foundation 2013 Spring Grants


1. Delia Wallis Armand Larive “Settling in With Stories” $750.00
Project will involve 6th grade students and parents in reading a variety of books. The book club will provide an opportunity for them to participate in a monthly book discussion.

2. Amber Kellison West Park “Mini Center; Big Accomplishments” $1,000.00
The funds will be used to purchase 3 iPad Minis to be used by the kindergarteners in small groups for Reading and Math centers.

3. Wendy Ross Sandstone “Sandstone Middle School “Class Garden” $500.00
The SMS Life Skills class, the Structured Learning class and selected leadership or TAG students( acting as TA’s) will develop and maintain a garden at the Community Garden location. Funding from HEF will purchase plants and garden tools for the project.

4. Tim Leque Highland Hills “Integrating Technology as an Individualized scaffolding tool” $1,000.00
The I-touch systems will be used by individual students, in small groups for activities that are geared toward their personal IEP goals.

5. Marci Wattenburger, Peggy Martin, Joanne Richardson, Stacy Shaefer West Park “Pairing for Success” $1,000.00
4 kids carpets will be purchased to be used during instruction time and enhance the Think-Pair- Share time for the first graders.

6. Amber Utter Sandstone “IPADS in the middle school classroom” $1,000.00
The IPADs will be used in all curriculum areas and for intervention classes at the 6th grade level.

7. Shanna Evans Rocky Heights “14 iPod Wireless Keyboards” $1,000.00
The classroom already has iPods .The wireless keyboards will help the kindergarten students with their writing and letter identification skills.

8. Sandra Rice, Brooke Palzinski, Rob Doherty, Royceann Taft Armand Larive “Pinewood Derby” $1,000.00
The funding will assist in purchasing a race track for the pinewood derby. The track would also be available for Sandstone Middle School classes as well.

9. Dana Mercer HHS “The Beauty of Sound 2” $1,500.00
Funding will make it possible for the high school drama department to add to the number of wireless microphones that are available to them. These are particularly needed during their musical productions.

10. Della McGinley Highland Hills “ Getting Ready for Common Core State Standards in reading, writing, science and social studies” $1,500.00
$1,000.00 from this project will be used to purchase –a science and history based website –designed for K-3 readers. The additional $500.00 will be used to purchase non-fiction reading materials for grades one and two.

11. Glenn Stelson, Cori Applegate Armand Larive “Calvacade of Authors” $1,000.00
50 ALMS students will travel to Tri Cities to meet 16 professional authors and participate in writing workshops. The HEF funds will provide entrance fees for the students to participate In the workshops, as well as the purchase of books for the students to learn about the different authors’ writing styles and techniques.

12. Tracy Hodges Sandstone “iPad Minis for ELD” $1,000.00
13. Michelle Gaede Armand Larive “iPad Minis for ELD” $1,000.00
The two middle school teachers will be using funds to purchase 3 iPad minis for their English Language Learners.

14. Taryn Olson, Tracy Tynkila, Lena Seibel Highland Hills “Living History Museum” $500.00
Highland Hills first graders present a living history museum at the end of the school year. Each student chooses a historical figure to research and then portray, in the museum. Funding will be used for music, costumes, props and biographies for the students.

15. Teddi Fisher Sunset “Writing Center” $550.00
Funding will be used to purchase “Writer’s Workshop” teacher resource materials to enhance the writing process.

16. Amy Hoffert, Lupe Escobedo Sunset “Reading by First Grade” $600.00
VTech Alphabet Apples will used by kindergarten students, who need additional assistance in learning their letter sounds. These devices will be used at home by the students, for further practice.

17. Curt Berger HHS “Robotics” $1,000.00
The high school robotics class/club will be using the funds to purchase Lego NXT kits and TERIX parts and resources.

Total $15,900.00