Hermiston High Principal Announces Pair of Administrative Changes


Hermiston High School Principal Tom Spoo is announcing administrative changes for the 2019-2020 school year.

Scott Depew

Assistant Principal Scott Depew is being promoted to serve as the new director of secondary instruction effective July 1. Depew will work at the district office and serve as a mentor and leader for instructional programs and services in grades 6-12.

Depew has served in the assistant principal role since 2015.

Blaine Braithwaite

Since Depew’s promotion, the Hermiston School District has conducted a search to hire a new assistant principal. That search led to Blaine Braithwaite, who is currently serving as the Dean of Students at Hermiston High School and taught math in Stanfield for 21 years.

“I am excited and looking forward to the changes to come with the hiring of both Mr. Depew and Mr. Braithwaite,” said Spoo. “Mr. Depew has proven himself as a leader, being instrumental in instructional changes implemented in recent years at Hermiston High School. Mr. Braithwaite has also demonstrated his leadership ability in a short period with his capacity to build relationships with both staff and students, his work ethic, and positive attitude. The change in leadership will be a smooth one; it will allow us to continue our momentum toward our goals.”