Hermiston High Principal Tom Spoo to Receive Administrator Honor


Hermiston High School Principal Tom Spoo will receive the Distinguished Service Award for School Administrators at the Oregon Association of School Libraries fall conference.

Tom Spoo
Tom Spoo

The award ceremony will take place at Taft High School in Lincoln City on Saturday, Oct. 12. The statewide award is given to a school administrator who supports a school library media program and has made an outstanding and sustained contribution advancing the role of the school library media center. Spoo is one of the few school administrators in Eastern Oregon who still has certified librarians available to students.

The Hermiston School District has two librarians shared throughout eight schools in the district. In 1980 there were 818 licensed school librarians in Oregon’s public schools, in 2017 that number dropped to 159 librarians serving a larger student population.

Delia Fields, the librarian for the secondary schools nominated Spoo and had this to say upon learning of his award, “I’ve appreciated Mr. Spoo’s efforts from day one and this is a great way to recognize the things he is doing for students,” said Delia Fields, librarian for the secondary school. Fields nominated Spoo for the award.

“Quite often those efforts are not the most visible or glamorous, but it is the day in and day out decisions that are foundation-building,” said Fields. “Students being able to read for comprehension and being able to find credible information in the waterfall of today’s technology is vital skill-building and Mr. Spoo supports that. It’s nice to be able to thank him in such a public and distinguished way.”


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