Hermiston Lions Ag-Ed Banquet, Fun Run Set for Sept. 23


The Hermiston Lions and Blue Mountain Community College will hold the Lions Ag-Ed Banquet & Auction along with the annual Don Horneck Memorial Fun Run and Walk on Saturday, Sept. 23.

The Fun Run/Walk gets under way at 9 a.m. at Hermiston High School. Registration will take place at 7:30 a.m. The cost is $15. A special T-shirt can be purchased for an addtional $15.

The banquet is set for 6:30 p.m. at the Hermiston Conference Center with doors opening at 6 p.m. The auction will follow dinner.

Tickets are $40 and can be purchased at Good Shepherd Medical Center, the Hermiston Chamber of Commerce, Kuhn Law Office in Hermiston, the OSU Research and Extension Center in Hermiston, the BMCC Foundation Office and Pendleton Art and Frame.

All proceeds will go to the Precision Irrigated Ag Center in Hermiston as well as local programs in memory of Don Horneck.