Hermiston Mayor Drotzmann Receives Mayor’s Leadership Award


Hermiston Mayor Dave Drotzmann was honored Monday night during the Hermiston City Council meeting.

Toledo Mayor Rod Cross presented Drotzmann with the Mayor’s Leadership Award for Large Cities from the Oregon Mayors Association.

Toledo Mayor Rod Cross presented Hermiston Mayor Dave Drotzmann with the Mayor’s Leadership Award for Large Cities during Monday’s Hermiston City Council meeting. (Photo courtesy of city of Hermiston)

Drotzmann has served as Hermiston mayor for the past 10 years after serving two terms on the Hermiston School Board. Has served as youth sports coach, on chamber board, Hermiston High School Booster Club, and Hermiston Rotary Club.

“Dave has been instrumental in helping Hermiston maintain its own sustainable growth,” said Cross, who noted the city has grown significantly over the years.

“How much your town has changed, and yet it has retained its small-town feel,” said Cross. “And that’s reflected in your mayor. Mayor Drotzmann has been a champion and advocate for his growing city, leading collaborative efforts with community groups and residents and tirelessly promotes his city’s programs and initiatives.”

In a press release, the Oregon Mayors Association said Drotzmann also brings Hermiston’s voice to statewide issues through his involvement with the League of Oregon Cities, where he currently serves as vice president and will lead the LOC Board as president in 2024. He has also been an active participant in the OMA Taskforce on Homelessness.