Hermiston Moves to Annex Land


The Hermiston City Council voted Monday night to initiate annexation of 6.5 acres of land that will be used for the development of single-family homes.

The land, located on West Highland Avenue directly south of Pioneer RV Park and Gotta Stop, is owned by John Steinbeck who wants to sell it to Castle Homes for residential development. Tom Longley of Castle Homes told the council Monday that his company intends to move forward with the development as quickly as possible.

“The intent is to provide low-cost, low-energy housing,” Longley said. The homes are expected to be in the price range of $130,000-$155,000. Longley said new jobs being created in Boardman at the Port of Morrow will bring a demand for affordable housing in Hermiston. Longley said he anticipates building 28 single-family homes on the land.

In other news from Monday’s meeting:

  • The council recommended Tami Rebman, Phil Hamm and Ben Doherty to fill vacancies on the Hermiston Planning Commission.
  • Michael Frink was recommended by the council to fill a vacancy on the Budget Committee.
  • The council appointed Joe Thompson to fill a vacancy on the Urban Renewal District Planning Advisory Committee.
  • The council voted to approve a request for street closures for May3-5 for a city event that will combine the annual Art Walk with Cinco de Mayo celebrations. The closures will be Main Street from Highway 395 to Third Street and Second Street from Hurlburt Avenue to Gladys Avenue. The streets will be closed from 4 p.m., May 3 to 10 p.m., May 5.