Hermiston Parks Department Offering Club Invention Camp for Grades 1-6


The Hermiston Parks and Recreation Department’s first Club Invention Camp of the summer, E.Z. Science, will take place June 18-21 at the Hermiston Community Center. The signup deadline is next Wednesday, June 13.

In this camp, a world-famous science magazine needs the help of children to get the next month’s issue of the magazine on the streets. Children must help E.Z. Science Journal by providing inventive science and mathematical solutions to everyday problems. They must conduct experiments, solve puzzles, and create a game with instructions.

The camp is for kids in grades 1-6. It runs Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m. to noon. Costs are $65 for residents and $80 for non-residents. For more information and to register, go online or call 541-667-5018.