Hermiston Police Says Door-to-Door Solicitor Does Not Represent HPD


The Hermiston Police Department is cautioning residents about a person going door to door claiming to represent the local police.

“We received a report of a person going door to door claiming he’s doing crime prevention work on behalf of the police department,” said Lt. Randy Studebaker. “He has not actually represented himself as a police officer, but we still find the report very concerning. Officers are still looking into this matter and we don’t have many details to report at this time.”

Studebaker said the HPD has no affiliation with this person, nor has the department authorized anybody to do any type of crime prevention work on its behalf. Studebaker also said the police department does not endorse any particular product, brand, or security system.

HPD is encouraging anyone with any information, or who wants to verify the identity of somebody at their door, to call 541-567-5519 and press the option for dispatch.

A list of solicitors licensed to operate within the Hermiston city limits can be found by CLICKING THIS LINK.