Hermiston Residents Encouraged to Enter Downtown Banner Contest


The city of Hermiston and Hermiston Downtown District are seeking local artists to help showcase what makes life sweet in Hermiston with the 2024 Downtown Banner Contest.

The contest is open to all Hermiston-area residents, with categories for emerging artists (K-12) and adults (19 and older). A winning entry from each age category will be reproduced as vinyl banners and displayed for a year on light posts throughout downtown Hermiston.

“We’re looking for artwork that shows the history, culture, community activities, and natural beauty that makes life sweet in Hermiston and gives a strong sense of place downtown,” said Hermiston Assistant City Manager Mark Morgan. “This is an opportunity for local artists to show their work to thousands of residents and visitors who visit downtown Hermiston every year.”

Submissions can include painting, drawing, digital art, collage, and printmaking and should incorporate the city’s color palette. Use of text is discouraged, and the entry should represent what makes life sweet in Hermiston. Read the full guidelines here.

Winners will be selected by representatives from the city of Hermiston and Hermiston Downtown District. The winner in each category will receive a $100 prize. Entries must be submitted before April 19, 2024.

The banner program is a partnership between the city of Hermiston and CGI Digital, which supplies the banners and manages the program at no cost to the taxpayers.  CGI Digital allows interested local businesses to purchase advertising space on the banners.

For more information and how to enter, visit the city’s website.