Hermiston School District Changing Meal Distribution on March 8


Hermiston School District meal distribution will change on March 8, once all elementary grades move to hybrid instruction. Elementary school curbside meal pick-up will no longer be available.

Due to additional traffic at the elementary schools for student pick up and drop off, the district cannot provide curbside meal pick-up at these locations. Students participating in hybrid instruction will still be offered a lunch and breakfast when they are excused for the day.

Youth under the age of 18, not participating in hybrid instruction, may pick up meals between 11:30 am to 12:30 pm at either the middle schools or the high school Monday through Thursday. Friday meal pick-up will be at the middle and high schools for all youth, whether they are in hybrid or not.

Meals may be picked up at the front of each building. Signage will be on-site to direct traffic.