Hermiston School District Gives Updates on 2019 Bond Projects


The Hermiston School District shared some updates today as it prepares to open bids on the 2019 bond construction projects.

One job on the immediate horizon is relocating the softball fields from the current Rocky Heights location over to Hermiston High School. The move is required to make room for the construction of the new Rocky Heights Elementary School.

The project will include two softball fields, site amenities, paving, and sidewalks. Bids should open at the end of August and will close at the end of September. Anticipated construction completion is April 2021.

The district’s project team continues design work associated with the construction of the new Rocky Heights and Theater Lane elementary schools. These projects will go out to bid late winter 2020 or early spring 2021, with both projects expected to be complete in the summer of 2022.

The district also said it is supportive of local trades, suppliers, hoteliers, and other vendors and will proactively communicate the projects via the Hermiston Plan Center, the Hermiston Chamber of Commerce, and the district’s Communications Department.

To learn more about future bidding opportunities, contact Project Manager Jose Aparicio at josea@wenahagroup.com or (925) 580-5227 or Senior Project Manager Scott Rogers at scottr@wenahagroup.com or (541) 969-9236, both with the Wenaha Group, Inc.


  1. We get a vote on a bond for immediate needed facilities and now it isn’t needed until 2022 and the moneies are used for other things not mentioned.

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