Hermiston School District Named 2020 Innovative District


The Hermiston School District (HSD) has been named a 2020 Innovative District for making rapid and significant improvements in student outcomes.

The district was selected by the International Center for Leadership in Education (ICLE).

According to the center, HSD demonstrated a substantive, data-validated growth year over year; evidence of a strong culture that puts students at the center of learning; and dedication to transforming instruction to meet the needs and demands of the future. The district recognized the need for change, collectively established a vision, and systematically worked together to create a learning environment that enables all students to thrive.

HSD is one of eight Innovative Districts that will share its best practices at ICLE’s 28th Annual Model Schools Conference, June 28-July 1, in Orlando. Thousands of educators and leaders will share innovative ideas and best practices for developing future-focused classrooms.

“Innovative Districts prioritize creating a supportive, systemwide culture of high expectations and strong relationships,” said Dr. Bill Daggett, founder and chairman of ICLE. “We commend the 2020 Innovative Districts for taking action to create impact by implementing specific and adaptable strategies for a positive learning environment that is felt across the district by teachers, leaders, students, parents, and the greater community.”

Superintendent of Schools Dr. Tricia Mooney gave credit to the district staff.

“This recognition is a testimony of the hard work and commitment of all HSD staff to ensure rigorous, relevant learning opportunities are provided for all of our students,” she said.

To learn more about the Model Schools Conference, go online.