Hermiston Seeks to Fill Committee Seats


The city of Hermiston is seeking to fill several committee positions including one on the Festival Street Design Committee and an opening on the Transit Advisory Committee.

The city is seeking one member from the Parks and Recreation Committee, and three members from the general public to join the Festival Street Design Committee. The committee will meet for about 12 months to finalize the Festival Street design.

The city is also seeking one member from the Planning Commission, one member from the Taxi Ticket Program, one member for the general public, one member from the senior care industry, and one member from Conference Center to join the Transit Advisory Committee. The committee will meet for about six months to recommend improvements on the transit system, as well as review ideas from the Oregon Department of Transportation regarding the program.

The deadline to apply for any of the openings is Aug. 15. Interested persons are asked to submit an application to City Hall, 180 N.E. Second St., or by email to lalarcon-strong@hermiston.or.us. Application forms are available at City Hall.