Hermiston Sixth Grader Wins Congessional App Challenge


Ava Theriault, a sixth-grader at Armand Larive Middle School, has won the 2022 Congressional App Challenge for Oregon’s District 2.

Ava Theriault

Ava’s “Math Class” application helps kids learn math while giving them a school-like experience. Through the app, students are able to select either multiplication or addition at various levels.

The judges were amazed to learn that a sixth grader came up with a well-designed and fully functioning application.

“Ava surprised me when she asked if she could compete in the Congressional App Challenge,” said her father, Robert Theriault, Hermiston High School’s computer science teacher. “She shared her idea, and I encouraged her to do it. Ava spent many hours working on the app over the summer and after school without any help. She has been tremendously excited to have created such a useful app. I am very proud of her.”

The Congressional App Challenge mission is to inspire, include, and innovate efforts around STEM, coding, and computer science education. The Hermiston School District has participated in the App Challenge since 2016 and has been a winner of the prestigious computer science award since then.