Hermiston to Salutes Veterans with Free Breakfast on Nov. 11

A slideshow honors veterans from the community during the annual Veterans Day breakfast on Nov. 11, 2021, at the Hermiston Community Center. Veterans or their family members can submit photos via email at kschwirse@hermiston.gov. The free breakfast is Nov. 11, 2024, at the community center. (Photo courtesy of Hermiston Parks & Recreation)

Veterans and active duty service personnel are invited to enjoy a free breakfast on Nov. 11, 8-9:30 a.m. at the Hermiston Community Center, 415 S. Highway 395. In addition, family members and veteran caregivers are invited to attend.

The meal is catered by The Pheasant Blue Collar Bar & Grill. RSVP via 5411-667-5018.

Also, a slideshow presentation will recognize and honor area veterans. Veterans or their family members can submit a photo via email at kschwirse@hermiston.gov — including the veteran’s first and last name.


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