Hermiston Voters to Decide on Sale of Psilocybin Inside City Limits


In the Nov. 8 election, Hermiston voters will decide on Measure 30-153, which would prohibit psilocybin-related businesses from operating within city limits.

Psilocybin is a hallucinogenic chemical obtained from certain mushrooms and was made legal for manufacture, sale, and purchase at licensed service centers by Oregon voters in 2020.

Each city and county in Oregon can opt-out on an individual basis. In July, the Hermiston City Council voted to have the city’s residents decide whether to prohibit the sales of psilocybin.

A “YES” vote would prohibit psilocybin-related businesses within city limits. A “NO” vote would allow psilocybin-related businesses within city limits.

Learn more about this measure on the Umatilla County website.


  1. What is a bad idea is to willfully give up your rights.
    Psilicyben is currently legal and is not part of any drug problem at all. You are not sheep. Think! They are not asking about meth or heroine sales within the city…
    This is how you boil a frog.

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