Hermiston Water Line Replacement Project Moves to E. Hurlburt

Hermiston's water line replacement project has moved to E. Hurlburt Avemie with most of the work happening between Sixth Street and Seventh Street. (Image courtesy of city of Hermiston)

The city of Hermiston’s water line replacement project has moved to E. Hurlburt Avenue.

Most of the work is now happening between Sixth Street and Seventh Street. Work is expected to last into October. Motorists can expect detours in the area as crews replace these aging water lines.

The $1.8 million project replaces about 4,900 linear feet of water main line in downtown Hermiston with ductile iron pipe. Tees, valves, and old cast iron water line will also be replaced.

The city says sections of this water distribution system were installed in the 1920s with steel pipe, some of the oldest pipe in the city water system. This project will eliminate failing, deteriorating and undersized lines, reduce repair work, and improve public safety.

For more information, visit the city’s website.


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