Hermiston Winter Festival Kicks Off Dec. 1

Winter Festival
The second annual Hermiston Winter Festival kicks off on Dec. 1 with a tree-lighting ceremony on Second Street in front of City Hall.

The calendar says winter is still nearly a month away, but the city of Hermiston is getting the season off to an early start with its second annual Winter Festival set for Dec. 1 in downtown Hermiston.

The fun gets under way at 5:30 p.m. with a tree lighting ceremony and entertainment throughout the evening.

A light show will be on display every 30 minutes and downtown merchants will be open for Christmas shopping and children will get a chance to have their pictures taken with Santa.

Live entertainment will take place during the festival which continues through Dec. 23. On Thursday, Dec. 1, Brad and Bruce Power Duo will take the stage at 5:30 p.m. On Friday, Dec. 2, the Gem Cheer Royals along with Dance Unlimited will perform. Other acts performing throughout the festival include Dallin Puzey on Dec. 3, and Zac Grooms on Dec. 15.

On Saturday, Dec. 18, the Hermiston Parks and Recreation Department will host Breakfast with Santa at 8:30 a.m. at the Hermiston Conference Center. The cost is $8 for children 2 to 15 and $10 for those 16 and over, or $30 for a family of four. Breakfast will be served until 9:15 a.m. There will be an extra $5 admission charge which includes a photo with Santa and a holiday story time.

Tickets must be purchased in advance through the parks department by calling 541-667-5018.