Hermiston’s Harrison Park Closed Due to Vandalism of Basketball Court

Harrison Park in Hermiston is closed until further notice while crews work to clean and repair the damage. (Photos courtesy of city of Hermiston)

Harrison Park in Hermiston is closed due to vandalism.

Vandals shattered the glass backboard on the basketball court and pieces of the glass were intentionally buried in the playground’s wood mulch. As a result, the playground is closed until further notice while crews from the Hermiston Parks and Recreation Department work to remove and replace the engineered wood fiber to ensure all glass particles are eliminated and the area is safe for use.

Vandals shattered the backboard on the basketball court and buried broken glass in the park’s wood chips.

According to the parks department, there is still shattered glass in the grass surrounding the basketball court where the hoop has been removed. Park officials urge extreme caution when visiting the area.

Anyone encountering any glass while at the park is urged to handle it with care or notify the parks department for safe removal.

“Thank you for your patience and understanding as we address this situation to ensure everyone’s safety,” the parks department wrote on its Facebook page.

Anyone with information about this act of vandalism is asked to contact the Hermiston Parks and Recreation Department at 541-667-5018 or the Hermiston Police Department.

The police department is encouraging anyone with information to speak with an officer at 541-567-5519, option 1. You can also submit an anonymous report through Tip411.

To use Tip411, send a text to “847411” with the message “HPDTIP” followed by your message. The Hermiston PD App can be found on the App Store (Apple) or Google Play (Android).

Learn more about sending tips or signing up for alerts at www.hermiston.or.us/HPDTips.


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