HHS Drama Club to Present Shakespeare Zombie Parody


Hermiston High School’s Drama Club will wrap up its performance of the parody “The Hamlet Thrill-ma-geddon” on Nov. 22-23 in the school auditorium. The show is recommended for all ages.

Forty students are involved in the production. Instead of Shakespeare’s verse, the parody has musical numbers with back-up dancers and a post-apocalyptic zombie battle. Zariah Uzzell, the student choreographing and arranging the musical numbers, notes, “We’re having a blast parodying songs from other shows, and I think the audience will enjoy it.”

All performances begin at 7 p.m. Tickets can be purchased in advance at the high school bookkeeping office. Ticket prices are $2 for students, $5 for adults, and $4 for senior citizens 65 years and older with ID. Seating is general admission, but groups of ten or more may purchase reserved seats by e-mailing Dr. Beth Anderson at beth.anderson@hermistonsd.org.

The drama club will sell refreshments during intermission. After each performance, the cast will be available for photos in a designated area outside the theater.