HHS Earns Bronze Medal from U.S. News

A study shows that Hermiston High School will house 2,000 students in the next eight years, nearly twice as many as the school had 13 years ago when the last addition was built.

U.S. News and World Report reviewed 29,070 U.S. public high schools as part of the Best High Schools rankings. According to the 2015 report, released May 12, Oregon had 114 high schools make the rankings, and Hermiston High School has been nationally recognized as a bronze medalist.

In partnership with RTI International, a research firm based in North Carolina, U.S. News judges high schools on advanced placement scores, state testing scores, how well a school serves all students and how well a school prepares students for college. U.S. News also ranks colleges, universities, and graduate schools, assisting students in selecting their institution for higher learning.

Oregon has 185,591 high school students instructed by 8,216 full-time teachers throughout 325 high schools in 180 school district. Of the 325 high schools, 114 were included on the Best High School rankings: three earned gold medals, 25 earned silver medals and 86 earned bronze medals.

Go online to see the full 2015 U.S. News High Schools rankings, nationwide and by state.