Hospice Service Gets Grant to Provide Free In-Home Health Education


Pioneer Memorial Home Health & Hospice has been awarded a grant from Oregon Rural Health to provide free in-home medication education to community seniors ages 60 and over.

“We will provide an RN to review medications in the person’s home, evaluate which mediplanner would be best for the person, see if they need a storage box for medications and if so, which kind would be best, and give them options for local medication disposal,” said Director Caroline Jackson. “We will then provide them the mediplanner, storage box, etc for free.”

Jackson aid seniors do not need to be a patient of Pioneer Memorial Home Health & Hospice.

“We are focusing our appointments in Hermiston, Boardman, Irrigon, and Heppner, but are happy to service all residents of Morrow, Gilliam, and Umatilla counties,” Jackson said.

For more information, all Jackson at 541-676-2946.