Hospital Offers Online Access to Medical Records

Patient Portal
Good Shepherd Health Care System’s Patient Portal can be accessed anywhere, from a computer to a mobile devise, as Paula Cooney, Medical Records Manager, demonstrates with an iPad.

Good Shepherd Health Care System is making it easier for patients to access their medical records online.

With the advent of the Electronic Health Record (EHR), Good Shepherd is ready to implement the latest technology in the form of the GSHCS Patient Portal, empowering patients to access their EHR whenever and wherever they need.

“The Patient Portal is a convenient and easy way for patients to be able to access their electronic health record from the Good Shepherd website or on their mobile devices,” said Paula Cooney, medical records manager at Good Shepherd. “Patients will now have the ability to review laboratory and imaging results, see a list of their medications, review their allergies, make sure their demographic information is correct, see a listing of their visit history to GSHCS, and see their personal discharge or aftercare instructions provided by their physician.”

Cooney said the portal is accessible to anyone in the community.

“The Patient Portal is truly accessible to anybody that has been a patient at GSHCS regardless of where they live,” she said. “Time frame is also not a factor. If you previously accessed GSHCS’s services a year ago or yesterday, you will still be able to create a profile and view your health record information.”

Local physicians also laud the progressive nature of GSHCS’s Patient Portal.

“I can tell you, as a physician who has practiced in Hermiston for 12 years, it is exciting to see that GSHCS is keeping pace and even surpassing other major medical centers in the implementation and use of technology,” said Gary Trupp, MD, obstetrician and gynecologist. “As for the patient, what a powerful tool for them to use to take charge of their personal health information.”

Patients and former patients who are interested in enrolling in the Good Shepherd Health Care System Patient Portal can contact Medical Records at 541-667-3621 or visit the hospital website and enroll online.