HPD Arrest Log


The following are recent arrests made by the Hermiston Police Department:

July 1: Alejandro Daniel Ibarra Cisneros, 22, was cited and released at Jack in the Box for DUII (alcohol).

July 1: Sadie Ann Frederickson, 26, was arrested near W. Hermiston Avenue and S.W. Second Street and charged with DUII (alcohol) and reckless driving.

June 30: Noah Daley Weatherford II, 22, was arrested in McKenzie Park and charged with second-degree criminal trespass.

June 30: Theodore Edward Jewell, 61, was arrested near N. First Street and E. Jennie Avenue and charged with DUII (alcohol) and reckless driving.

June 30: Justin D. Connell, 31, was arrested on a warrant on the 200 block of W. Hermiston Avenue for misdemeanor failure to appear.

June 30: Charles Henry Day, 70, was cited and released on the 400 block of S.E. Eighth Street for depositing of rubbish.

June 30: Deanne Marie Lewis, 48, was arrested on the 1300 block of N. First Street and charged with second-degree theft (shoplifting $101-$1,000).

June 30: Cesar Bedolla, 27, was arrested on the 400 block of E. Wilshire Avenue and charged with interfering with making a report and harassment (A) offensive physical contact (simple assault).

June 30: Angel Rafael Delacruz Cardenas, 22, was arrested on a warrant on the 1600 block of N. First Street and charged with misdemeanor failure to appear.

June 30: Katrina Nicole Capote, 34, was arrested on a warrant near W. Linda Avenue and N.W. 12th Place and charged with misdemeanor probation violation and giving false information to law enforcement.

June 30: Jose Roque Jr., 20, was arrested on the 1600 block of N.E. Second Street and charged with harassment (A) offensive physical contact (simple assault).

June 29: Nicolas Lucas Rhorer, 36, was arrested on a warrant on the 1300 block of N. First Street and charged with parole violation for sanction/detainer and misdemeanor probation violation.

June 27: Belinda Hartsteen, 36, was arrested on a warrant on the 300 block of S. First Street and charged with misdemeanor probation violation.

June 26: Cecilio Nando Gonzalez, 26, was arrested on a warrant on the 300 block of S.W. 11th Street and charged with misdemeanor failure to appear.

June 26: Bill Wayne Snyder, 42, was arrested on the 1300 block of N. First Street and charged with first-degree criminal trespass and third-degree theft (shoplifting less than $100).