HPD Warning Public of Scam Seeking Funds to Help Law Enforcement


The Hermiston Police Department is warning the public not to “be boondoggled” by a scam circulating in the community.

The HPD responded to reports from citizens who say they are receiving solicitations from organizations claiming to be raising money to benefit local law enforcement.

Not true, says the HPD on its Facebook page.

“Your HPD does NOT solicit donated funds from our community, and especially does not do so by phone, text, email, or mailed flyers,” the post says

HPD said the solicitations can come from organizations with legitimate sounding names such as the National Law Enforcement Fund or the Bulletproof Vest Fund.

“Don’t be boondoggled,” HPD writes. “Those organizations are not affiliated – no way, no how – with your Hermiston Police Department, or with any other regional law enforcement agency, for that matter.”

The police department advises the public to “refrain from any response to text or email solicitations. It’s okay to be rude and hang up on people calling to scam you out of your hard-earned money. Those mailed flyers make great bird or hamster cage linings. Just please don’t send money thinking you’re helping HPD. Thanks for thinking of us but keep your checkbook closed, and know we are here when you need us.”


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