HPD Weekend Activity Report


The Hermiston Police Department routinely posts on Facebook a list of its activities that take place over the weekend such as arrests, burglary or theft investigations and other calls for service.

Below is what Lt. Randy Studebaker reported about the department’s most recent weekend activities:

  • Responded to three trespassing complaints
  • Arrested 9 people for outstanding warrants
  • Took two lost or found property calls
  • Impounded one stray dog at Pet Rescue
  • Investigated one residential burglary/theft
  • Initiated one child abuse investigation
  • Investigated one theft from a vehicle
  • Took one stolen vehicle report
  • Investigated one additional theft case
  • Arrested an impaired driver
  • Responded to a domestic disturbance

“This list is only includes incidents that required a full police report,” wrote Studebaker. “It does not list the dozens of other activities that don’t require a full report, like traffic stops, extra patrol requests, or suspicious circumstances we checked on.”