HSD Seeks School Board Member Following Dave Smith’s Resignation


The Hermiston School District accepted the resignation of Dave Smith at Monday’s regular school board meeting.

Dave Smith
Dave Smith

“Mr. Dave Smith has served on the board since 2011, and his passion for doing what is best for kids is very commendable,” said Hermiston School Board Chair Karen Sherman. “Serving on a school board is a tough role. As a board we have faced difficult situations and decisions. We appreciate the service he provided to the students, staff and community. I am grateful for his stewardship and the time we spent together. He will be missed.”

The district is seeking applicants to fill Smith’s seat. Candidates may apply for the vacant position by completing an application and submitting it to the superintendent’s office by 3 p.m., on Friday, Aug. 23.

Candidates will be interviewed at the work session on Aug. 26 and the selected candidate will take the oath of office immediately upon appointment. Applicants may contact Briana Cortaberria at 541-667-6010 or briana.cortaberria@hermistonsd.org for more information or questions related to the board vacancy.