Updated as of 1:07 p.m.: Interstate-84 is now closed eastbound between Exit 216 (six miles east of Pendleton) and Exit 374 in Ontario due to crash near milepost 350, four miles east of Huntington.
The Oregon Department of Transportation will be sorting eastbound traffic at Exit 216 to allow local residents to get home to La Grande and Baker City. Click on the closure icon on TripCheck.com for details.
I-84 westbound lanes are open, but reduced to one lane near crash site, where emergency crews are on scene. Expect smoke in the crash area as vehicles are on fire. OR 204 (Tollgate Hwy.) and OR 245 are also closed (open to local traffic only), as they are not viable detours for freeway traffic.
Check TripCheck.com or call 511 / 800-977-6368 for updates. Outside of Oregon call 503-588-2941.