Inland Northwest Chorale to Give Free Performance in Heppner Oct. 27


The Inland Northwest Chorale under the direction of R. Lee Friese will perform at the Heppner Elementary School on Saturday, Oct. 27.

The concert begins at 4 p.m.

The program will include the following pieces:

  • “Twelve Canticles” by Randall Thompson. This piece was Thompson’s last composition – dedicated to the Emory and Henry College Concert Choir – based on 11 of Thompson’s favorite passages from the Bible.
  • “A Festival of Psalms” by John Ness Beck. This piece includes Psalm 24 identified as a Psalm of David in the King James translation, the opening line reads “The earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.”

Concert funding comes from the Morrow County Unified Recreation District.

The performance is free and a reception will follow. Donations will be accepted at the door.