Inland NW Orchestra to Give Free Performance in Pasco on Saturday


The Inland Northwest Orchestra under the direction of R. Lee Friese will perform at Columbia Basin College at 4 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 24.

The programs will include the following pieces:

The Carnival of the Animals’ by Camille Saint-Saens and Grand Canyon Suite by Ferde Grofe

The Carnival of the Animals was Composed in 1886 by Saint-Saens and he regarded the work as a piece of fun. He requested that it should be published posthumously, since he saw it as detracting from his “serious” composer image. Carnival has since become one of Saint-Saens’s best-known works.

There are fourteen movements, each representing a different animal or animals.

Grand Canyon Suite was used in Grand Canyon, a 1958 short Walt Disney film in CinemaScope format. It featured color film of the Grand Canyon and won an Academy Award in 1959 for Best Short Subject.

The performance is free and a reception will follow afterwards.