InterMountain ESD Offering Summit on State In-Service Day


On Friday, Oct. 8, teachers across the state of Oregon will spend some time focusing on developing new skills in their profession.

On the State In-Service day, InterMountain Education Service District (IMESD) is offering a Professional Development Summit for teachers in eastern Oregon. The event will be presented completely virtually.

The Summit is a day of professional learning and networking hosted by IMESD and Oregon Trail Regional Educator Network (REN). The event features keynote Phil Boyte who speaks to thousands of students and educators across the United States with the intention of transforming their schools into places overflowing with kindness and respect. Boyte believes that connection is vital, especially after so much virtual learning, and will share simple ideas on how connections can be built and inspire each person to use their role to re-imagine their school culture.

After the keynote address, teachers can choose from offerings in the following areas: Administration, New Teacher, Technology, Instructional Strategies, Academic Content Specific and Social-Emotional Learning/Behavior. Offerings will be presented by regional educators, IMESD staff, keynote speaker Boyte and a curriculum company. The Summit also includes Roundtables that are content- or grade-specific to discuss current needs, strategies being used or resources that would benefit the group.

McKennon McDonald, REN Capacity Builder, said she is excited about the multiple opportunities offered during the event. “Our theme this year focuses on the value of connections, which seems more important than ever in education. From technology skills to student behavior, the classes should offer something for everyone,” McDonald said.

There is no school on Friday, Oct. 8 for students due to State In-Service.