InterMountain ESD Seeks Candidates to Fill Board Vacancy


The Intermountain ESD Board is seeking to fill a vacancy of the Zone 1 position on the board of directors and is now accepting applications.

Candidates must currently reside in the Morrow, Ione, Ukiah, Pilot Rock, Umatilla school districts and have done so for at least one year, and candidates must be qualified voters of the district.

The selected candidate will serve the remainder of the position’s current term through June 30, 2023.

The candidate application form is available at the district’s website or at the office of the superintendent at 2001 S.W. Nye Ave., Pendleton. Applications must be returned to the superintendent’s office by 4 p.m. on Thursday, March 31.

Public interviews of candidates will be held at the IMESD Board meeting on April 20 at 4 p.m.. It is expected the board will vote to fill the vacancy at the meeting.

For more information or questions, contact Danielle Sacket at 541-966-3102 or email