Kayak Public Transit Partnering to Bring Service to Boardman, Port


Kayak Public Transit and The LOOP have partnered with Umatilla and Morrow counties to begin extending services to the city of Boardman and the Port of Morrow.

The aim of the project is to provide safe and reliable transportation options to one of the region’s largest employment centers.

The first phase of the project will be to determine routes, schedules, potential bus stop locations, as well as develop capital and operational budgets. Public engagement is encouraged and there will be multiple opportunities to provide feedback on this exciting expansion project in the coming months.

This project is funded by the Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund (STIF), a dedicated funding source for improving and expanding public transportation services in Oregon that was created by HB 2017, otherwise known as the Keep Oregon Moving bill. The contractor selected to do the planning is Kittleson & Associates.

Kayak Public Transit is a public transit agency providing transportation options to 17 communities in four counties in Northeast Oregon and Southeast Washington. It is operated by the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, and is funded through the Oregon Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration grant dollars, and local and Tribal dollars.