Law Enforcement to Crack Down on Impaired Drivers


The Oregon State Police (OSP), Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), and law enforcement partners statewide urge all travelers during the upcoming Fourth of July holiday weekend, and the hot days ahead leading to the holiday, to partner with them in keeping our roads safe for everyone.

Last year’s 30-hour Fourth of July holiday period was only the second time Oregon recorded no traffic fatalities during the deadliest major holiday period of the year on Oregon roads. This year’s holiday period covers a much larger time period – 102 hours – starting 6 p.m., Wednesday, July 3, through 11:59 p.m., Sunday, July 7.

“Some of our deadliest holidays occur during the Fourth of July period, so to prevent fatal traffic crashes on our roads requires increased police enforcement and drivers doing everything they can to travel safely,” said Captain Ted Phillips, director of the OSP Patrol Services Division.

Law enforcement’s main focus will be the crackdown to catch and arrest impaired drivers who put themselves and others at risk. Oregon law enforcement agencies are joining others nationwide as part of the ongoing “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” crackdown, which involves stepped up enforcement efforts aimed at stopping impaired drivers before they become involved in a traffic crash or cause a tragic highway incident.

The latest statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) show that accidents involving impaired drivers killed 9,878 people in 2011, accounting for 31 percent of the total traffic fatalities in the United States. That’s an average of one alcohol-impaired-driving fatality every 53 minutes, according to NHTSA. The percentage spikes around the Fourth of July.

Statistics gathered by Oregon’s Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) over the past 25 years show nearly half of all Fourth of July period traffic fatalities were in alcohol-involved crashes. Three-hundred people have died during the Fourth of July holiday period since 1970; more than 50 of those deaths during the last ten years.

The anticipated warmer weather, coupled with Fourth of July celebrations, often extends celebrations and gatherings well into the evening and night. According to NHTSA, statistics reflect the combined dangers of alcohol and night driving. In 2011, the proportion of alcohol impairment among drivers involved in fatal crashes was almost 4.5 times higher at night.

The following safety reminders can help keep your holiday travels safe:

• Get rested before you are tested. Fatigued drivers are more frequent during holiday weekends because of increased travel and activity. Be patient and allow plenty of time to reach your destination.
• Pay attention. An inattentive driver is a growing safety concern on our roads and an increasing factor in traffic crashes.
• Know before you go: Stay up to date on road conditions by visiting or calling 5-1-1.
• Even when workers are not present, all work zone speed limits still apply and fines double. Inactive work zones still have equipment, detours, and incomplete changes in the roadway so drivers need to slow down and be alert.
• Share the road. Don’t tailgate and be sure to check your mirrors and blind spots before changing lanes.
• Be on the lookout for bicyclists, pedestrians and other vulnerable users of our roads.
• Always use safety restraints and child safety seats correctly.
• If traveling on our roads, bring non-alcoholic refreshments and water to help stay hydrated. This could really come in handy if your vehicle unexpectedly breaks down along a highway and you have to wait for help.
• Don’t drink and drive; don’t be impaired and drive. These can be deadly combinations.
• MOVE OVER if you are approaching any type of emergency vehicle, tow truck or roadside assistance vehicle which is stopped on the roadside with emergency lights activated.

OSP, OSSA, OACP and ODOT remind every traveling person – bicyclists, pedestrians, motorcyclists and motorists alike – that we all have individual responsibility for keeping our roads safe. Immediately report aggressive, dangerous and intoxicated drivers to 9-1-1 or call OSP at 1-800-24DRUNK (800-243-7865).