Lawmakers Laud Sage Grouse Decision


Oregon lawmakers lauded the U.S. Department of Interior’s decision not to list the sage grouse as an endangered species.

“Farmers and ranchers in Eastern Oregon have been working hard to avoid a listing of the sage grouse, a move that would severely impact jobs in rural communities throughout the west,” said U.S. Rep. Greg Walden (R-Hood River). “I’m glad that the Administration recognized these efforts and decided not to move forward with a listing. This will give communities in Oregon time to implement locally driven conservation efforts without the federal government’s heavy hand getting in the way.”

U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden also hailed the decision.

“I am thrilled by today’s announcement that the greater sage grouse does not require protection under the Endangered Species Act,” Wyden said. “I applaud the efforts of ranchers, conservationists, governors and others who have come to the table, signed agreements and worked hard on the ground to fight for rural Oregon jobs and communities. This victory just goes to show how collaboration between private stakeholders and local, state and federal leaders can lead to balanced, sustainable solutions for the management of wildlife and our public lands.”