[quote style=”2″]Idaho Power Provides an Update on B2H and Summer Field Surveys[/quote]
To the Editor:
Several key milestones are on the horizon for the Boardman to Hemingway Transmission 500-kV Line Project (B2H). The Bureau of Land Management expects to release its final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) this year. Following the release of the final EIS, Idaho Power will finalize the application to Oregon’s Energy Facility Siting Council. These events mark significant progress in the planning and permitting phases for B2H. Idaho Power looks forward to reaching these milestones and moving closer to the delivery of this beneficial and much needed project.
A completed B2H will improve system reliability in the region, where the demand for energy continues to grow. By connecting the Intermountain West with the Pacific Northwest power grids, which see energy demands peak at different times of the year, B2H will help energy from a variety of sources (including renewables) flow where it is most needed.
The positive impact won’t just be felt on the regional scale. B2H will connect to a proposed substation in Boardman, allowing for more infrastructure and service capacity on Bonneville Power Administration’s transmission line system in Morrow and Umatilla counties. Umatilla Electric and other utility customers will directly benefit from these project improvements.
Collecting data to build a better transmission line
Idaho Power has engaged local communities throughout the permitting process to identify the most responsible route for B2H. Data and information gained through public comment and fieldwork have helped us identify and refine routes for further environmental analysis. Survey crews will be out in the field again this summer gathering the most up-to-date information to support the permitting and design processes.
This field work is vital to the project’s success. When landowners allow access to their property for surveys, they help Idaho Power and the permitting agencies understand potential impacts and consider how to avoid them earlier in the process. Idaho Power is committed to working with landowners to minimize impacts to private land, and surveying is a key step in achieving that goal.
Idaho Power thanks all of the communities along the B2H route for their continued engagement with the project as we near these project milestones. Through collaboration, we will ensure we create the best outcome for all involved parties. If you have questions about the project or summer fieldwork, visit the project’s website or contact Jeff Maffuccio, Idaho Power Facilities Siting Coordinator, at jmaffuccio@idahopower.com or 208-388-2402.