Letter: Support Our Students, Support School Bond


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To the editor:

When my family and I first visited Hermiston in 2008 to decide whether to accept a job in the area, one of our deliberate stops was a visit to the school district. Since our only child was in high school and her education was one of our primary concerns, we couldn’t imagine relocating to a place with an inferior school district.

To say that we were impressed by the Hermiston School District wouldn’t adequately capture the favorable opinion that we formed after a 2 ½ hour visit with the superintendent and high school principal. Even though it was the third day of the new school year, they dedicated significant quality time giving us a tour of the facilities, letting us visit classes in session, and answering all our questions. That time spent at the high school was a major factor in our deciding to move to Hermiston. Our daughter graduated from Hermiston High School, subsequently graduated from Corban University, and then moved back to the area.

The quality of education that Hermiston area children have available is remarkable, and our schools really are at the heart of who we are as a thriving community. With projected enrollment growth of 800 students in the next six years, we must continue to invest in our schools if area families in the future are going to have access to the same experience we did when we first considered Hermiston as the place to live our lives.

I strongly encourage you to invest in the future by supporting our school bond this May.

Joseph Franell

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